[suse-sles-e] SLES 12 and webmin
Werner Flamme
2015-10-28 08:08:31 UTC
Hello listicians, :)

someone here who uses webmin on a SLES 12 installation? And has
activated the automatic update of modules?

Well, this is the case with me, and I get a daily Mail with content

--- snip ---
Oops, secure memory pool already initialized
gpg: error reading key: No public key
note: random_seed file not updated
--- pins ---

Well, the first and the last line I get every time when I invoke gpg on
the command line, too. They might be unneccessary, but hey, there they
are. But the "error reading key" definitely is a wrong error, because
the key requested by webmin is in root's keyring.

I opened a bug report upstream
(https://sourceforge.net/p/webadmin/bugs/4662/), but Jamie does not know
why the error would show.

The error does not show up on SLES 11, but on both of my SLES 12.

BTW, for the initial install, I followed instructions on
<http://doxfer.webmin.com/Webmin/Installation>, currently the installed
version is identical with the version from my other hosts since it was
installed via Webmins cluster functionality on all of my hosts from a
single download.

Someone can point me how to avoid the gpg error?


